Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Have you ever seen more beautiful windows?

These windows went in today, they are between the computer room and the kitchen, we came across them from different sources, we bought the stained glass second hand, and I'm pretty sure we wombled the windows either side. They look stunning, I'm sure you'll agree. 

Plumber eh?

Thanks so much to Ant our plumber who has seriously gone the extra mile for us on this project, we are incredibly grateful. Turns out plumbing isn't all he does.
Sunday, he reconstructed one of the beautiful archways towards the back of the shop, very clever, and will look spectacular.
 Then he got to do loads of boxing in, everyones favourite job!

Ant, your amazing! Look him up folks...www.the-gas-man.com

Gristers hard at work

A title given, is hard to shake off as it turns out, so 'Gristers' we'll remain. 

Turns out, as usual, I was not dressed for the job in hand.

do you mind if I...cut in?

Last saturday, there was a bit of a team effort, and some of Ellen and Cassie's housemates went to lend a hand with some of the painting, it meant that the kitchen and the basin room of the toilet are now painted, and they began cutting in with the green in the main space, Thank you girlies!
Here's the team hanging out at our bus stop:

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Counter, part two

And, as promised, here is what our carpenter has made of the oddments so far.

 even got some books on the shelves, a little premature perhaps.

Fixtures and Fittings

This has been a week for fixtures and fittings in preparation for a big push on Saturday where we have invited lots of people to the cafe to help out with painting etc.
but for this week: Let there be lights!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

counter building

Today, Carpenter T is in building our counter for us, bit of reclaimed wood etc as usual. Here's what we gave him: 

essentially, watch this space...
Also here's Cassie having an official looking chat with a man in a florescent jacket.
Anyone for tea?

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Ding Ding Ding.
Round 1: know what you're up against:
Round 2: don't be intimidated 
Round 3: Be prepared (genuinely not asked to pose for this photo, just natural stance)

Round 4: Get the women do it!

DISCLAIMER: Please note, the statements and photos above are by no means there to indicate that the women worked harder then the men today, any offence caused is founded on your paranoia! 

It's really happening

As of yesterday we have a boiler! This really feels like things are moving now, we now have the ability to heat water in anticipation of some serious washing machines! Thanks Ant!

Looks pretty fearsome doesn't it.

Friday, 2 March 2012

How are we looking?

General updates in this post. I went down there yesterday (Thursday) to, in theory, be helpful (as it turns out, if you go at lunchtime, you coincide with a break!) Nonetheless I did a little more painting on the outside, got another couple of encouraging words from passersby, thank you, and did my usual bit of dodgy camera work in an attempt to keep you lot in the loop.

We now have a back door, with a lock, which is progress. Being sanded down before repainting, which turned out to be quite hard work I think.

We also a new purpose-built folded-laundry cupboard, which will sit alongside the 3 stacked machines.

Also notice that we finally sourced some nice cafe tables, after a fair amount of searching. They, like everything else we have sourced thus far, need a bit of work, sanding and whatnot...

Then there is always painting being done inside:

And perhaps my favourite photo of them all, keep up the good work JB!